New Shingles Vaccine
From: Niaimani CHOICES To: Military Retirees, Veterans and Seniors: At Niaimani CHOICES we care about you and your health. See the following site concerning the new "Shingles Vaccine". And Too: Remember to visit your doctor regularly, get a checkup before you...
Healthy Heart Month is just around the corner.
Healthy Heart Month is just around the corner. At NiaImani CHOICES our vision is to strengthen families and raise awareness by enhancing health and wellness bonds within communities. To do this, we are focused on education and advocacy; and we need your help to spread the word.
African Heritage Month
Charles H. Watlington, Sr. Scholarship Fund
Charles H. Watlington, Sr. Scholarship Fund The Charles H. Watlington, Sr. Scholarship Fund encourages, promotes and supports high school seniors who wish to pursue higher education in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) or the health care...
Men’s Health Week
Men's Health Week inspires communities across the world to check the health of men and boys. The objective of Men's Health Week is to increase awareness of preventable and treatable health problems that men experience. This week is designed to advocate for men's...
2016 Fatherhood Summit
Letter to the Supports/Sponsors/Partners of the first annual NiaImani CHOICES Golf Tournament
May 23, 2016Dear Supporter,On behalf of NiaImani CHOICES Board of Directors, we would like to thank our sponsors, supporters, partners and funders for their generous support and participation towards our First Healthy Choices Golf Tournament fundraising event held on...
National Office Systems winners of the 1st Annual NiaImani CHOICES Golf Tournament
"We have been busy on the greens these last few weeks and the 1st Annual Golf Tournament for the NiaImani CHOICES Organization was yet another wonderful day.This tournament was a great opportunity to gather friends and co-workers for a day of fun competition. It...