At NiaImani CHOICES We’re Soaring High to help Fathers Soar
-Fathers Matter-
It was my pleasure to travel to North Carolina recently and discuss our county’s “National Fatherhood Initiative” with educators and law enforcement officers from other states.
Through our discussion, I found we have much in common as we addressed the concerns and behavior of children, father involvement (or lack thereof), and family dynamics.
We have much in common
I have discussed the need for “24/7/365” fathers and other matters with educators, government officials, community leaders, and elected representatives. Through our meetings and conversations it has become clear we have great resources and infrastructure to address our common concerns both locally and in other jurisdictions. However, to be effective, the plan must include a unified effort – both public and private entities – dedicated to teaching, assisting and improving father interaction within families and within the lives of their children; our local NFI goal includes “operation joint effort”.
Father interaction with children enhances Positive Behavior
In NC, we also discussed the future of our children along with the important need of constant contact and positive mentorship by fathers and parents in general.
One high school teacher said he is the “substitute father, role model and mentor in the lives of countless students.” As a former high school teacher and college professor myself, I can identify with this statement along with the need to help our fathers become the role models their children are seeking.
Dr. W. E. B. DuBois said, “Children will learn more from what you do than who you teach”. As a retired military officer our concept of leadership, in the home and outside the home, has always been to “lead by example”.

Under the Fatherhood Initiative we make it a point to dialogue with youth asking “what their concept of a father-role model may be”.
The photo above was taken during such a general discussion with young men who agreed the most important need is for: “Fathers to be there every day to provide advice, to show caring, support, and love”. Further, youth (Boys and Girls) expressed the need for a male role model in their life when the Father is absent or nonexistent.
-Niaimani CARES –
At Niaimani CHOICES inc, our goal — as the Prince George’s County Fatherhood Initiative representative — is to work with schools, community based organizations, public and private entities to produce an effective Fatherhood Initiative that will raise awareness significantly concerning the “27/7/365” program. How can we foster a more creative an inclusive program?
“Our strength lies within our unity”
We are convinced the Fatherhood Initiative will be an ongoing positive program that will pay great dividends for our county because of the vision and commitment of people like Councilman Mel Franklin, CEO Charlisa Watson and myriad county leaders.
Consequently, in concert with their vision, the local NFI Team will interact with community programs, fathers, parents, schools, and children to create a Fatherhood Initiative that is inclusive and productive in many ways.
–Join the NFI Team-
If you are interested in joining the NFI Movement, please email your contact information and desire to
We will be happy to address your concerns, speak at your event, and work jointly with your organization to help fathers become all they can be in the lives of their children.
… And let us not forget – but elevate – our dedication to help “FATHER Caregivers” who are very much involved in the lives of their disabled and dependent children.
At Niaimani CHOICES we include this initiative as an integral part of our NFI. Mr. Cecil Doggette is leading this program to new heights and we further seek your cooperation.